Can external routes files be included in the main route.rb file?

I have a large number of routes that I would like to split into different route files.

I created "routes-secondary.rb" and added some routes there. Then I tried to add something like this to the main routes of the application. Rb:

requires "# {Rails.root} /config/routes-secondary.rb"

This doesn't work because Rails doesn't recognize routes in routes-secondary.rb. Is there a way to do this right?


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2 answers

(I updated this answer to use RouteReloader for development)

You can accomplish this easily (even in Rails 4!).

config / routes.rb:

Rails.application.routes.draw do
  resources :foo


config / routes / included.rb:

Rails.application.routes.draw do
  resources :bar


config / initializers / routes.rb

Rails.application.routes_reloader.paths.unshift *Dir[File.expand_path("../../routes/**/*.rb", __FILE__)]


This will add all the files in config / routes to the routes of the application, and will probably add them in reverse lexical order by filename. If you want to load the routes in a different order than glob, you can simply push or move routes to route_reloader.paths in the order you want.

rake routes:

   Prefix Verb   URI Pattern             Controller#Action
foo_index GET    /foo(.:format)          foo#index
          POST   /foo(.:format)          foo#create
  new_foo GET    /foo/new(.:format)      foo#new
 edit_foo GET    /foo/:id/edit(.:format) foo#edit
      foo GET    /foo/:id(.:format)      foo#show
          PATCH  /foo/:id(.:format)      foo#update
          PUT    /foo/:id(.:format)      foo#update
          DELETE /foo/:id(.:format)      foo#destroy
bar_index GET    /bar(.:format)          bar#index
          POST   /bar(.:format)          bar#create
  new_bar GET    /bar/new(.:format)      bar#new
 edit_bar GET    /bar/:id/edit(.:format) bar#edit
      bar GET    /bar/:id(.:format)      bar#show
          PATCH  /bar/:id(.:format)      bar#update
          PUT    /bar/:id(.:format)      bar#update
          DELETE /bar/:id(.:format)      bar#destroy




If you are using Rails 4 you cannot do this out of the box and he explained here . In rails 3 you can change your config.paths configuration hash as described here .



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