Replace part of path - python

Is there a quick way to replace part of a path in python?




I don't know the start of the path ( /abc/dfg/

), so I would like to tell python to keep whatever comes after /ghi/

(inclusive) and replaces everything before /ghi/

with /jkl/mno/


>>> new_path



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4 answers

You can use an index ghi


In [4]: old_path.replace(old_path[:old_path.index("ghi")],"/jkl/mno/" )
Out[4]: '/jkl/mno/ghi/f.txt'




If you are using Python 3.4+ or want to install a backport , consider using pathlib

instead os.path


path = pathlib.Path(old_path)
index ='ghi')
new_path = pathlib.Path('/jkl/mno').joinpath(*[index:])


If you just want to stick with 2.7 or 3.3 stdlib, there is no direct way to do this, but you can get the equivalent parts

by iterating over os.path.split

. For example, keeping each component of the path until you find the first one ghi

, and then adding a new prefix will replace everything before the last one ghi

(if you want to replace everything before the first ghi

, it's not hard to change things):

path = old_path
new_path = ''
while True:
    path, base = os.path.split(path)
    new_path = os.path.join(base, new_path)
    if base == 'ghi':
new_path = os.path.join('/jkl/mno', new_path)


This is a bit clunky, so you might want to write a simple function that gives you a list or tuple of path components, so you can just use find

and then concatenate everything like with pathlib




>>> import os.path
>>> old_path='/abc/dfg/ghi/f.txt'


First select the relative path from the starting directory of your choice using os.path.relpath

>>> rel = os.path.relpath(old_path, '/abc/dfg/')
>>> rel


Then add a new first part of the path to that relative path using os.path.join

>>> new_path = os.path.join('jkl\mno', rel)
>>> new_path




Pretty naive approach, but does the job:


def replace_path(path, frm, to):
    pre, match, post = s.rpartition(frm)
    return ''.join((to if match else pre, match, post))



>>> replace_path(s, '/ghi/', '/jkl/mno')
>>> replace_path(s, '/whatever/', '/jkl/mno')




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