Adding a new language to Django

I am trying to add site translations for several African languages ​​that Django 1.6.8 does not support. I don't need an administrator to work in these languages, but I need to support them.

My site already has working translations in 25 languages ​​from languages ​​officially supported by Django and they are divided into a subdomain, so is German. I am using domain middleware to set the locale based on the subdomain, for example:

class SubDomainLanguage(object):
    def process_request(self, request):
        prefix = None
            prefix = request.META['HTTP_HOST'].split('.')[0]
            if prefix == 'no':
                prefix = 'nb'
            request.session['django_language'] = prefix
        except KeyError:
        if not prefix:
            request.session['django_language'] = 'en'


Various searches on the internet have taken me to a point where I feel like I am close to adding support for these languages, but visiting gives me the English version of the site, so something is missing ( in German language as expected).

Yoruba translations exist in locale / yo / LC_MESSAGES / and django.po and python compiled messages work fine.

Here are the related lines from my file:

from django.conf import global_settings
from django.utils.translation import gettext_noop


global_settings.LANGUAGES += ('ak', gettext_noop('Akan'))
global_settings.LANGUAGES += ('ig', gettext_noop('Igbo'))
global_settings.LANGUAGES += ('rw', gettext_noop('Rwanda'))
global_settings.LANGUAGES += ('sn', gettext_noop('Shona'))
global_settings.LANGUAGES += ('yo', gettext_noop('Yoruba'))
global_settings.LANGUAGES += ('zu', gettext_noop('Zulu'))

    'ak': {
        'bidi': False,
        'code': 'ak',
        'name': 'Akan',
        'name_local': u'Akan'
    'ig': {
        'bidi': False,
        'code': 'ig',
        'name': 'Igbo',
        'name_local': u'Asụsụ Igbo'
    'rw': {
        'bidi': False,
        'code': 'rw',
        'name': 'Rwanda',
        'name_local': u'Kinyarwanda'
    'sn': {
        'bidi': False,
        'code': 'sn',
        'name': 'Shona',
        'name_local': u'chiShona'
    'yo': {
        'bidi': False,
        'code': 'yo',
        'name': 'Yoruba',
        'name_local': u'èdè Yorùbá'
    'zu': {
        'bidi': False,
        'code': 'zu',
        'name': 'Zulu',
        'name_local': u'isiZulu'

import django.conf.locale

LANG_INFO = dict(django.conf.locale.LANG_INFO.items() + EXTRA_LANG_INFO.items())
django.conf.locale.LANG_INFO = LANG_INFO


What could be missing? Or maybe there is something wrong?


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