Group and query by month and day in Mongo DB

I have a collection named "orders" and in its documents I have the attributes _id, totalAmount and orderTime. I want to receive the total amount of orders in a specific month ordered during the day. Here is a MySQL query for this. (Assuming the given month is 9)

SELECT EXTRACT(DAY FROM orderTime) as day, SUM(totalAmount)
FROM orders
where EXTRACT(MONTH FROM orderTime)=9


I need a Mongo query that does exactly the same task. Is there anyway I can achieve this?


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1 answer

Assuming orderTime

is a field ISODate

, you need to use an aggregation pipeline as shown below:

  • Project

    a field for each record displaying its day and month values.
  • Match

    all records with month value = 9.
  • Group

    in the day field and calculate the amount totalAmount

  • Then the Project

    required fields.






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