How do I programmatically add a @Bean definition to a Spring context?

I usually add my objects to spring context using the definition @Bean


private SpringBus bus;

//register a singleton
public WebservicePort getPort() {
    //new port()
    //return port;


But now I need deeper control of the process, especially I want to dynamically create the bean name under which the bean is registered.

I tried:

public class MyPortRegistrar implements BeanDefinitionRegistryPostProcessor {

        private SpringBus bus;

        public void postProcessBeanFactory(ConfigurableListableBeanFactory beanFactory) throws BeansException {
            System.out.println(bus); //prints null

            //create and configure port with the SpringBus
            Port port = new WebservicePort(bus); // -> throws NullPointerException
            beanFactory.initializeBean(port, "myDynamicPortName");  


But this throws out the NPE since already authorized dependencies are not initialized here.

So how can I add these beans programmatically?


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3 answers

You have to autwire bean factory and use @PostConstruct

bean to register. This way you ensure that all dependencies have been injected (the bean factory is injected by the container, no setup required).

public class MyPortRegistrar {

    private ConfigurableBeanFactory beanFactory;

    private SpringBus bus;

    public void createPort() {
        Port port = new WebservicePort(bus);
        beanFactory.registerSingleton("myDynamicPortName", port);




You have to put this before:



But if you want to initialize the bean, I think you want to create one instance (I say this because you used annotation in the example @Bean


beanFactory.initializeBean(port, "myDynamicPortName");  


instead of singleton:

beanFactory.registerSingleton("myDynamicPortName", port);




An alternative to Khalid's answer (which I think requires some additional dependencies and configuration) is to implement the InitializingBean interface:

public class MyPortRegistrar implements InitializingBean {

    private SpringBus bus;

    private ConfigurableBeanFactory beanFactory;

    public void afterPropertiesSet() throws Exception
        System.out.println(bus); //prints null

        //create and configure port with the SpringBus
        Port port = new WebservicePort(bus); // -> throws NullPointerException
        beanFactory.initializeBean(port, "myDynamicPortName");  




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