What C ++ code generates this x86 assembly instruction?

I have been "reverse engineering" some of my own libraries to learn more about compiler optimization. I saw one of my simplest class constructors (4D vector) compiled to the following:

fldz                                                        ; push +0.0 to FPU stack
mov     eax, ecx                                            ; set eax to this (ecx)
mov     dword ptr [eax], offset data_??_7vector_t@data@@6B@ ; what is this doing?
fst     dword ptr [eax+4]                                   ; assign this->first
fst     dword ptr [eax+8]                                   ; assign this->second
fst     dword ptr [eax+0Ch]                                 ; assign this->third
fstp    dword ptr [eax+10h]                                 ; assign this->fourth, pop FPU stack
retn                                                        ; return this (eax)


On the third line, I have no idea what it does. I originally thought it might be some kind of optimization that referencing some hard coded block of persistent data.

To determine what it might be, I loaded the DLL into a container process and then hooked up a debugger and looked at the data in the location data??_7vector_t@data@@6B@

, but it was simple db offset unk??_7vector_t@data2@@6B@

. I followed this second label and there was a data area that didn't match what I learned in my project, even after converting the first 8 bytes to double.

The compiler I am using is MSVC ++ with Visual Studio 2013, fully optimized without any extended instruction sets (SSE etc disabled).

What C ++ code generates this instruction?


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3 answers

Not sure where the prefix comes from data_

, but it ?

is a standard token for decorated (mangled) names and you can use a tool undname

to decode them:

>undname ??_7vector_t@data@@6B@
Microsoft (R) C++ Name Undecorator
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Undecoration of :- "??_7vector_t@data@@6B@"
is :- "const data::vector_t::`vftable'"


So yes, this is just initializing the vtable pointer.



This line specifies the vtable pointer for the object being created.



It looks to me like it is applying a constructor to uninitialized storage in ECX.

These steps insert the vtable pointer in its first slot and the 4d null vector that you say your application is using.



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