Matplotlib: how to change colors, make small spaces and edit legend

I have the following code for drawing some lines in matplotlib. I tried to show that the points will be shown with transparent circles and not the standard solid circles.

  • How do I get the circles to be the same color as the lines?
  • How do I remove circles from the ends of dashed lines in a legend? Currently, you can hardly see the dotted lines.
  • How can I make a small space before and after each circle in the graph so that the dotted lines don't touch them. I think it will look better here as I only have data in points, so the lines between them do not represent real data.

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import numpy as np
    t = np.array([0.19641715476064042,
    c  = np.array([0.17,
    plt.plot(t, '-go', markerfacecolor='w', linestyle= 'dashed', label='n=20')
    plt.plot(c, '-bo',  markerfacecolor='w', linestyle= 'dashed', label='n=22')

This is what the matplotlib code gives me.

enter image description here

This is what I would like it to ultimately look like (obviously with different data).

enter image description here


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2 answers

Remember that you seem to be using the fmt format string (for example "-go"

) incorrectly in your calls plot

. Actually for the dotted line, fmt should be larger than something like "--go"

. I personally find the use of keyword arguments is clearer, even if more verbose (in your case linestyle="dashed"

prevails in the fmt line)

Anyway, below is indicative for reproducing the desired plot:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

t = np.array([0.19641715476064042,
              0.25, 0.34, 0.42])
c = np.array([0.17, 0.21, 0.27, 0.36])

def my_plot(ax, tab, c="g", ls="-", marker="o", ms=6, mfc="w", mec="g", label="",
    tab: array to plot
    c: line color (default green)
    ls: linestyle (default solid line)
    marker: kind of marker
    ms: markersize
    mfc: marker face color
    mec: marker edge color
    label: legend label
    ax.plot(tab, c=c, ms=0, ls=ls, label=label, zorder=zorder-0.02)
    ax.plot(tab, c=c, marker=marker, ms=ms, mec=mec, mfc=mfc, ls="none",
    ax.plot(tab, c=c, marker=marker, ms=ms*4, mfc="w", mec="w", ls="none",

my_plot(plt, t, c="g", mec="g", ls="dashed", label="n=20")
my_plot(plt, c, c="b", mec="b", ls="dashed", label="n=22")



enter image description here

Also consider reading the legend guide in the official documentation:



For the first question, you use the attribute markeredgecolor


plt.plot(t, '-go', markerfacecolor='w', markeredgecolor='g', linestyle= 'dotted', label='n=20')
plt.plot(c, '-bo', markerfacecolor='w', markeredgecolor='b', linestyle= 'dotted', label='n=22')


As for the third question, I have no idea. I don't think there is an easy way to do this. But I think you could, for example, do the following:

  • Highlight the line
  • Flat white markers that are slightly larger than you have (edge ​​and complexion white). They will mask parts of the line around the real markers.
  • Sketch the real markers using the color you want.


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