In SSRS, how can I add a row to aggregate all rows that do not match the filter?

I am working on a report that shows transactions grouped by type.

  Type    Total income  
 ------- -------------- 
  A                575  
  B                244  
  C                128  
  D                 45  
  E                  5  
  F                  3  
  Total           1000  


I only want to provide details on the types of transactions that account for more than 10% of total revenue (i.e. AC). I can do this by applying a filter to the group:

  Type    Total income  
 ------- -------------- 
  A                575  
  B                244  
  C                128  
  Total           1000  


What I want to display is one line just above the total line that has a total for all filtered types (i.e. DF sums):

  Type    Total income  
 ------- -------------- 
  A                575  
  B                244  
  C                128  
  Other             53  
  Total           1000  


Is it possible? I have tried using running totals and conditionally hidden rows inside a group. I tried Iif

inside Sum

. It doesn't seem to do anything that I need, and I'm digressing from scope issues (eg, "value expression has a nested aggregate that defines the scope of the dataset").

If anyone can give me any guidance I would be very grateful.

EDIT: Should point out, but at this point, the dataset actually returns individual transactions:

  ID   Type   Amount  
 ---- ------ -------- 
   1   A           4  
   2   A           2  
   3   B           6  
   4   A           5  
   5   B           5  


Grouping is done using a group of rows in a table.


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3 answers

One solution is to solve this in the SQL source of your dataset and not inside SSRS:

    WHEN CAST([Total income] AS FLOAT) / SUM([Total income]) OVER (PARTITION BY 1) >= 0.10  THEN [Type]
    ELSE 'Other'
  END AS [Type]
  , [Total income]
FROM Source_Table


See also SQL Fiddle



Try to solve this problem in SQL, see SQL Fiddle .

    WHEN I.TotalIncome >= (SELECT Sum(I2.TotalIncome) / 10 FROM Income I2) THEN 10
    ELSE 1
) AS TotalIncomePercent

FROM Income I


After that create two groups of sums.

  • SUM (TotalIncome * TotalIncomePercent) / 10
  • SUM (TotalIncome * TotalIncomePercent)

The second approach might be to use a calculated column in SSRS. Try to create a calculated column with the above case statement. If it allows you to create it, you can use it in the same way as the SQL approach.



1) To show income over 10%, use the line visibility condition, for example = iif (reportitems! Total_income.value / 10 <= I.totalincome, true, false) here reportitems! total_income.value is the sum of all the values โ€‹โ€‹of the income text box, which will be the total value of the detail group. and I.totalincome is the value of the current field.

2) add another line outside the detail group to achieve a different income and use an expression like = reportitems! total_income.value-sum (iif (reportitems! total_income.value / 10 <= I.totalincome, I.totalincome, nothing))



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