Installing a semantic interface with rails

I've been using Semantic UI with Rails for some time now and I've always relied on the semantic ui-sass gem to install.

Yesterday I came to the conclusion that the gem has not been updated with the new version of the semantic interface. I can only support this via anecdote, as several predefined UI styles had no effect, e.g .:

<div class="ui pink message">


and any tial lattices or columns filled. So I decided to download the source code and just drag and drop and let the asset pipeline do the rest. But then I had some questions, and here I am. Thus,

1) All CSS is done with LESS. Doesn't rails use Sass by default? Can I just delete the folder with all LESS files, require it in application.css and it will work? Or is there an intermediate step?

2) There are several topics in the source. How to implement them?

3) Is there anything else I need to know that I didn't understand to ask?


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1 answer

  • You can use gem 'bower-rails' and use semantic-ui from there.
  • Ditch the sass rails and use gem "rails".
  • Require "semantic-ui" folder in your application.css and application.js
  • On the subject, I can still figure it out.



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