Dplyr to group the dataframe and then create a regression model for each group

Can anyone suggest an answer dplyr

to the following question? Divide the data.frame by country and create a linear regression model for each subset

For completeness, the question and answer from the link are below.


For reference, here's Josh's question:

I have a data.frame of data from the World Bank that looks something like this:

  country date BirthRate     US.   
4   Aruba 2011    10.584 25354.8
5   Aruba 2010    10.804 24289.1
6   Aruba 2009    11.060 24639.9
7   Aruba 2008    11.346 27549.3
8   Aruba 2007    11.653 25921.3
9   Aruba 2006    11.977 24015.4


In total, there are 70 country lookups in this dataframe that I would like to run linear regression into. If I use the following, I get a nice lm for a specific country;

andora = subset(high.sub, country == "Andorra")

andora.lm = lm(BirthRate~US., data = andora)



But when I try to use the same type of code in a for loop, I get an error, which I will print below the code;

high.sub = subset(highInc, date > 1999 & date < 2012)
high.sub <- na.omit(high.sub)
highnames <- unique(high.sub$country)

for (i in highnames) {
  linmod <- lm(BirthRate~US., data = high.sub, subset = (country == "[i]"))  

#Error message:
Error in lm.fit(x, y, offset = offset, singular.ok = singular.ok, ...) : 
  0 (non-NA) cases


If I can get this loop running, I would ideally like to add the coefficients and even improve the r-squared values ​​for each model in an empty data.frame file. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


For reference, here's jlhoward's answer (including BondedDust's comment) using the * apply functions found in this great question: R Group functions: sapply vs. lapply vs. apply. vs. tapply vs. vs. aggregate

models <- sapply(unique(as.character(df$country)),

# to summarize all the models
# to run anova on all the models

#This produces a named list of models, so you could extract the model for Aruba as:



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3 answers

It dplyr

is not yet possible to return the list from the list . If you just need @jazzurro's interception and tilt this is the answer, but if you want the whole model you need to do something like

models <- df %>% group_by(country) %>% do(mod = lm(BirthRate ~ US., data = .))


Then, if you want to do ANOVA for each installed model, you can do it using rowwise

models %>% rowwise %>% do(anova(.$mod))


but again the result is coerced into the dataframe and is not exactly the same as when executed lapply(models$mod, anova)


For now (i.e. until the next version dplyr

), if you need to keep the entire result in a list, you can just use dlply

from plyr

for example plyr::dlply(df, "country", function(d) anova(lm(BirthRate ~ US., data = d)))

, or of course if you don't have to use dplyr

, you can go to @ SvenHohenstein's answer which looks like the best the way to do it anyway.



Look at the lmList

package function nlme


lmList(BirthRate ~ US. | country, df)


| country

Used here to create a regression for each individual country.



Here's one way to use it dplyr

. I created Brazil

using your data. So you have the same results for the two countries. You can see interception and tilt in the final data frame.


structure(list(country = structure(c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 
2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 2L), .Label = c("Aruba", "Brazil"), class = "factor"), 
date = c(2011L, 2010L, 2009L, 2008L, 2007L, 2006L, 2011L, 
2010L, 2009L, 2008L, 2007L, 2006L), BirthRate = c(10.584, 
10.804, 11.06, 11.346, 11.653, 11.977, 10.584, 10.804, 11.06, 
11.346, 11.653, 11.977), US. = c(25354.8, 24289.1, 24639.9, 
27549.3, 25921.3, 24015.4, 25354.8, 24289.1, 24639.9, 27549.3, 
25921.3, 24015.4)), .Names = c("country", "date", "BirthRate", 
"US."), class = "data.frame", row.names = c("4", "5", "6", "7", 
"8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15"))

#   country date BirthRate     US.
#4    Aruba 2011    10.584 25354.8
#5    Aruba 2010    10.804 24289.1
#6    Aruba 2009    11.060 24639.9
#7    Aruba 2008    11.346 27549.3
#8    Aruba 2007    11.653 25921.3
#9    Aruba 2006    11.977 24015.4
#10  Brazil 2011    10.584 25354.8
#11  Brazil 2010    10.804 24289.1
#12  Brazil 2009    11.060 24639.9
#13  Brazil 2008    11.346 27549.3
#14  Brazil 2007    11.653 25921.3
#15  Brazil 2006    11.977 24015.4

group_by(mydf, country) %>%
    do({model = lm(BirthRate ~ US., data = .);
       data.frame(int = coef(model)[1], slope = coef(model)[2])})

#  country      int        slope
#1   Aruba 11.02503 8.393295e-06
#2  Brazil 11.02503 8.393295e-06




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