How to get simple Android (Studio) Proguard config

In every project I previously worked on where Proguard was listed, it was eventually abandoned as it caused so many problems that it was unusable and a huge source of resources. But my current project does require obfuscation to make reverse engineering more difficult. Since I am using Android Studio and Gradle, I included it in my build config:

    release {
        runProguard true
        proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''
        signingConfig signingConfigs.release


Then I build release build and see 292 warnings and build failures. Most of them are as follows and relate to libraries (Retrofit, Joda Time, Butterknife, etc.)

Warning:butterknife.internal.ButterKnifeProcessor: can't find referenced class javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement


OK, so my guess is that it optimizes parts of the libraries. So I tried to add lines like this to the file (specified in the Gradle file and automatically generated by Android Studio):

-keep class butterknife.internal.** { *; }


No difference. Ok, so I'll try to disable ALL reduction and optimize to hopefully benefit from obfuscation (even if, admittedly, slightly less room for obfuscation). I added this line to the Proguard config file:



I recompile and absolutely nothing changes, I'm still left with 292 pretty pointless compilation warnings. Now I am really confused.

  • How can I make Proguard 100% specific by actually looking at my Proguard config file? Or does he use it, but I installed the wrong option?
  • What can I add to the Proguard file to reduce it to JUST obfuscation, so I have a Proguard enabled build configuration that works as a starting point (without breaking my application) and doesn't optimize any code.

Any help would be grateful to help reduce my hatred of Progurda.


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1 answer

add the following to your proguard config so it doesn't overload your library with a knife.

-keep class butterknife.** { *; }
-dontwarn butterknife.internal.**
-keep class **$$ViewInjector { *; }

-keepclasseswithmembernames class * {
    @butterknife.* <fields>;

-keepclasseswithmembernames class * {
    @butterknife.* <methods>;


here is a link for a github discussion about the same issue,



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