Cannot use std :: ptr_fun with function that is being referenced

Not allowed by C ++ 11 or Boost.

I am trying to get the following code to compile but I am having problems. std::ptr_fun

doesn't seem like parameters that are references.

#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
#include <vector>

struct Something

template<class T>
T Function(const T& x, int s)
    // blah blah
    return x;

int main()
    std::vector<Something> data(20);
    std::transform(data.begin(), data.end(), data.begin(), std::bind2nd(std::ptr_fun(Function<Something>), 8));


VS2013 error message: Error C2535: "Something std :: binder2nd> :: operator () (const Something &) const ': member function is already defined or declared

But if I change the parameter in Function

to T x

, it works!

Is there a way to do this conveniently without changing Function


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1 answer

You cannot do this. This is a fundamental limitation for std :: bind1st and std :: bind2nd. The problem is that it defines two () operators and one of them already has a const and on it. Thus, the compiler sees two identical functions. It will not be fixed as C ++ 11 has already deprecated these methods.

See also:

Using bind1st for a method that takes an argument by reference

strange compiler error using bind2nd (): "function member already defined or declared" instead of "reference to reference"

Bind2nd error with custom class



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