Calling an abstract method in an abstract java class

I have 3 classes. Seems to be the main question. But I cannot find an answer by googling.

public abstract class Test {

    void t1()


 public class concret extends Test{

    void t1()

    void t2()



public class run {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Test t=new concret();




How do I call the method of the abstract class t1? Since I cannot create an object from the abstract class, how can I call t1 in the abstract class? Thank.


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6 answers

Either you create a concrete class that does not override the method, or inside a concrete class that overrides the method, you can call super.t1()

. For example:

void t1()
    super.t1(); // First call the superclass implementation


If you only have an instance of an object that overrides a method, you cannot call the original method from the class "outside", because that will break the encapsulation ... the purpose of overriding is to replace the behavior of the original method.


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See the following tests:

public abstract class BaseClass {

    public void doStuff() {
        System.out.println("Called BaseClass Do Stuff");

    public abstract void doAbstractStuff();

public class ConcreteClassOne extends BaseClass{

    public void doAbstractStuff() {
        System.out.println("Called ConcreteClassOne Do Stuff");

public class ConcreteClassTwo extends BaseClass{

    public void doStuff() {
        System.out.println("Overriding BaseClass Do Stuff");
    public void doAbstractStuff() {
        System.out.println("Called ConcreteClassTwo Do Stuff");

public class ConcreteClassThree extends BaseClass{

    public void doStuff() {
        System.out.println("-Overriding BaseClass Do Stuff");
    public void doAbstractStuff() {
        System.out.println("Called ConcreteClassThree Do Stuff");

public class Test {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        BaseClass a = new ConcreteClassOne();
        a.doStuff(); //Called BaseClass Do Stuff
        a.doAbstractStuff(); //Called ConcreteClassOne Do Stuff

        BaseClass b = new ConcreteClassTwo();
        b.doStuff(); //Overriding BaseClass Do Stuff
        b.doAbstractStuff(); //Called ConcreteClassTwo Do Stuff

        BaseClass c = new ConcreteClassThree();
        c.doStuff(); //Called BaseClass Do Stuff
                        //-Overriding BaseClass Do Stuff
        c.doAbstractStuff(); //Called ConcreteClassThree Do Stuff



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Create an anonymous inner class,

Abstract class:

 abstract class  Test{
        abstract void t();
        public void t1(){


Here's how to create an anonymous inner class:

Test test = new Test() {

            void t() {
                //you can throw exception here, if you want


Call the class through the object created for the abstract class,




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use the 'super' keyword for this

void t1()
     {  super.t1();



Make sure you use this in your overriden method.


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An abstract class means that the class has a modifier abstract

before the keyword class

. This means that you can declare abstract methods that are only implemented in concrete classes.

For example:

public abstract class Test {
     public abstract void foo();

public class Concrete extends Test {
    public void foo() {



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Your code seems to be calling t1 (). However, this calls a specific t1 () because the abstract t1 () has been overridden by a specific class.

If you want to call the abstract method t1 from your main code, don't override t1 () in concrete.

Or you can create a method in a concrete class like:

    public void invokeSuperT1(){



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