How to fill in SQL in a query

I have a generic SQL query that I would like to use bash to fill in all the lines from the grep command from which I get the lines. The number of lines I get from the file I pull from the lines also changes.

Request example:

    select * from table_name
    where column_name in ('string',


Basically I search for email message ids and I get an output of message ids. One line per line.

grep -Eoh "[a-z0-9]{0,9}\.0\.[0-9]{0,9}\.00\-[0-9]{0,9}\.[0-9]{0,9}\.[a-z0-9{0,10}\" *filename.txt



I would like all lines from my grep command to be automatically inserted into the request, so I can just insert the line and run it.


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2 answers

$ echo 'select * from table_name where column_name in ('"$(grep -Eoh '[a-z0-9]{0,9}\.0\.[0-9]{0,9}\.00\-[0-9]{0,9}\.[0-9]{0,9}\.[a-z0-9]{0,10}\' *filename.txt | awk -v ORS=', ' '{print "\047"$0"\047"}')"')'
select * from table_name where column_name in ('', '', '', '', )


Fixed a typo in grep regex. You missed the close ]

in the last range.

An internal awk command formats the string into a list.

awk -v ORS=', ' '{print "\047"$0"\047"}')"'


-v ORS=', '

set ORS

(output record separator to ,


{print "\047"$0"\047"}

print each line '

before and after with the value ORS

appended at the end.



You can also execute it by repeating line by line and echoing:

echo 'select * from table_name where column_name in ('
    echo -n "'$REPLY'"
    while read; do
        echo -ne ",\n'$REPLY'"
} < <(grep -Eoh '[a-z0-9]{0,9}\.0\.[0-9]{0,9}\.00\-[0-9]{0,9}\.[0-9]{0,9}\.[a-z0-9]{0,10}\' *filename.txt)
echo ')'



contains the lines of reading (one by one) from the input provided by process override ( <(grep ...)




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