Phantom wont initialize / load angularjs controller methods

I need help generating a PDF file from an html page powered by an angularjs controller. pdf will be generated using the phantom module. im able to display and bind data correctly as soon as i go to a specific url, but when i call phantom to render the page it doesnt load / initialize / call controller methods, i tried different methods like doing ng-init from div or function call from controller once loading is done or even with

$scope.$on('$viewContentLoaded', function(){
  //code here...


phantom code:

function DoThePDF(){
        ph.createPage(function(page) {
            page.set("paperSize", { format: "A4", orientation: 'portrait', margin: '1cm' });
  , function(status) {
                if(status !== 'success'){
                    console.log('unable to open webpage');
                    setTimeout(function() {
                        console.log("page rendered");
                    }, 5000);


when calling (address, function (status) {...} I can see that the page has been opened, but angular events / methods do not get initialized / called, so when the page is rendered is an empty html template, data I added delays but still doesn't help.


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1 answer

PhantomJS 1.9.x does not support websocket, so I need to use PhantomJS 2. there is no official release yet, but there is a beta build here as stated. Good luck.



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