How to create a RESTful web service client from Jersey2.0 or higher

There seem to be many examples of creating RESTful Jersey 1.x clients , but not Jersey 2.0 or higher . I have mentioned other questions and the Jersey website, but I still cannot create a client for REST due to the differences between Jersey 2.0 and the previous one. So I would like to ask some advice.

So far my coding has been like this.

ClientConfig config = new ClientConfig();
Client client = ClientBuilder.newClient(config);
WebTarget target ="http://localhost:8080/CustomerBack2211/webresources/entities.customer");

Invocation.Builder invocationBuilder = target.request(MediaType.TEXT_XML_TYPE);
Response response = invocationBuilder.get();


This results in a 406 error.

However, when I tried to test the RESTful service with the Glassfish server, the test works correctly and the server side class has its @GET methods with @Produces ({"application / xml", "application / json"}). So I don't understand why the above coding generates a 406 error for a Java application.

(i.e. the client side has @GET methods as follows)

@Produces({"application/xml", "application/json"})
public Customer find(@PathParam("id") Integer id) {
    return super.find(id);

@Produces({ "application/xml"})
public List<Customer> findAll() {
    return super.findAll();


Can any of you see what I am doing wrong, or can you provide an example RESTful client? Any advice would be helpful ... thanks in advance!

Also, I would appreciate it if you could provide information on how to call methods such as GET, PUT, and DELETE with appropriate parameters . I just needed to provide an identification number (i.e. Integer values) when I tested the server side class in a Glassfish RESTful test. However, it seems to me that I need to set the class and / or "Entity" values ​​as arguments, but I don't see any information related to them on the Jersey website.


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1 answer

For the first block of code:

406 means Not Acceptable .

Take a look at your request()

method target.request(MediaType.TEXT_XML_TYPE)

. From Javadoc request()

if states

Invocation.Builder request(MediaType... acceptedResponseTypes)

Begin creating a request to the target web resource and defining the accepted response message types. The call to this method is identical:


So, in your request, you say that you will only Accept: text/plain

. Now take a look at your resource methods. Take a look at @Produces

. None of them "produce" text/plain

. It's all json or xml. This is why you are getting an exception. Change accept to application/xml


) client side and you won't get this error again.

For the second question: I assume you mean why it works when you test it in a browser.

If you send a request from a browser by just typing in the url, it will send a request with many types Accept

. If you have firebug (for FireFox) or developer tools (for Chrome), if you submit a request, you will see a header similar to

Accept text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8


You can see here application/xml

. Even if application/xml

it wasn't there, there is a wild card */*

, so almost all media types are valid as a return type when running in a browser.

For your last question:

Look at the API for SyncInvoker

that Invocation.Builder

extends from. You will see various overloaded methods put

and post

most of which, as you said, accept Entity


There are several different creation methods Entity

that use one of the static methods. Here are some

  • Entity.entity (body, mediaType)
  • Entity.json (body)
  • Entity.xml (body)

And a lot more (see Entity link above). But all these static methods return Entity

. So we could do something like

// resource method
public Response getResponse(Customer customer) { ... }

// some model class
public class Customer { ... }

// client request
Customer customer = new Customer();
Response response = target.request().post(Entity.xml(customer));


Internally, Customer

converted to XML. If you used Entity.json

will be converted to JSON, BUT , you need to make sure you have a dependency on the JSON provider. Jersey won't go with the default one. See more in Support for generic media type representations

Also note that when using a method find

, when you try to make a request to the method, the request must end with an integer value like the one specified for the path parameter {id}




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