How to compare signed value and unsigned value in x86 assembly

I am having trouble finding a way to compare positive number and negative number in x86 assembly code.

For example: when I compare -1 and 1, I always get -1 as greater. I know this is because 2's complement format makes -1 greater than 1 in the base binary.

But can anyone provide an x86 assembly snippet for comparing positive to negative and getting it mathematically correct? (for example 1> -1)



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2 answers

You are probably using one of the unsigned options:

cmp  eax, ebx
jb   lesser


There are equivalents for checking signed numbers against each other, for example:

cmp  eax, ebx
jl   lesser


This link gives a good run on the jump variations, including their signature and flags they check, partially copied here for themselves -containment:

Instruction  Jump if ...           Signed?   Flags
-----------  -----------           --------  -----
JO           overflow                        OF=1
JNO          not overflow                    OF=0
JS           sign                            SF=1
JNS          not sign                        SF=0
JE/JZ        equal
             zero                            ZF=1
JNE/JNZ      not-equal
             not-zero                        ZF=0
JB/JNAE/JC   below
             carry                 unsigned  CF=1
JNB/JAE/JNC  not-below
             no-carry              unsigned  CF=0
JBE/JNA      below-or-equal
             not-above             unsigned  CF=1 or ZF=1
JA/JNBE      above
             not-below-or-equal    unsigned  CF=0 and ZF=0
JL/JNGE      less
             not-greater-or-equal  signed    SF<>OF
JGE/JNL      greater-or-equal
             not-less              signed    SF=OF
JLE/JNG      less-or-equal
             not-greater           signed    ZF=1 or SF<>OF
JG/JNLE      greater
             not-less-or-equal     signed    ZF=0 and SF=OF
JP/JPE       parity
             parity-even                     PF=1
JNP/JPO      not-parity
             parity-odd                      PF=0
JCXZ/JECXZ   CX register is zero
             ECX register is zero




You cannot directly compare two numbers that have different signs. Actually most programming languages ​​have this thread. C and C ++ specifically mention that in their documentation and in most cases it will generate a warning when you use a signed and unsigned integer in the same expression, which can then lead to an unknown sign.

The only way is to check first if the signed number is negative, if so then you know it is less. Then you can compare the two numbers as unsigned integers.

; is eax < ebx (eax signed, ebx unsigned)

cmp eax, $0
jl less

cmp eax, ebx
jc less


Side note: obviously it is possible to compare two signed numbers if their size is less than the maximum size supported by the processor. In this case, you increment the signed and unsigned bit appropriately, then you can compare as if both values ​​were signed.

Assuming you want to compare the two bytes al and bl, then you might have something like this:

movsx ax, al
xor bh, bh    ; or movzx bx, bl
cmp ax, bx
jl less


(Note, I do not guarantee that jl is correct, it could be jle or jnl ...)



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