Creating OCI OCO Plugin for QT Creator

I am trying to create Oracle OCI plugin for QT creator. Instant client versions (basic and sdk) - 10.2 to connect to a 10g server.

The directories are as follows:

qt source files installed in / home / aj / qt -everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.4

sdk of qt-home / aj / qtsdk-2009.5

instant client BASIC packages are unpacked - / home / aj / Desktop / oracle / instantclient_10_2

SDK instant client packages are unpacked - / home / aj / Desktop / oracle / sdk

I have used the following steps -

$ cd / home / aj / qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.4 / src / plugins / sqldrivers / oci /

$ sudo qmake "INCLUDEPATH + = / home / aj / Desktop / oracle / sdk / include" "LIBS + = - L / home / aj / Desktop / oracle / instantclient_10_2 -lclntsh"

$ sudo make

but make return error say - make: nothing needs to be done for `first '. any soil formations


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1 answer

SOmetimes during installation it may happen that all files were not extracted correctly.

Run-> $ sudo run again inside your qt-source directory (in your case / home / aj / qt -everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.4)

when it's finished installing and extracting, go to / usr / local / Trolltech / Qt -4.8.4 and do this:

$sudo cp -rf /home/aj/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.4/include/QtSql/* ./include/QtSql
$sudo mkdir src
$sudo cp -rf /home/aj/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.4/src/* ./src/
$sudo cp -rf /home/aj/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.4/src/plugins/sqldrivers/oci/ ./plugins/sqldrivers/


the file will be copied to the sqldrivers plugins directory and you are good to go.



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