Cumulative strings using c () in dplyr sum or sum

I want to concatenate some strings using c () like the aggregation function in dplyr. I tried the following first:

> InsectSprays$spray = as.character(InsectSprays$spray)
> dt = tbl_df(InsectSprays)
> dt %>% group_by(count) %>% summarize(c(spray))
Error: expecting a single value


But using the c () function in aggregate () works:

> da = aggregate(spray ~ count, InsectSprays, c)
> head(da)
  count                  spray
1     0                   C, C
2     1       C, C, C, C, E, E
3     2             C, C, D, E>


A search on stackoverflow hinted that instead of the c () function, using the paste () function with collapse would solve the problem:

dt %>% group_by(count) %>% summarize(s=paste(spray, collapse=","))



dt %>% group_by(count) %>% summarize(paste( c(spray), collapse=","))


My question is, why does the c () function work in aggregate () but not in dplyr's summaryize ()?


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1 answer

If you look closer, you might find that it c()

actually works (to a certain extent) when we use do()

. But in my opinion dplyr

does not currently allow this type of printing of lists

> InsectSprays$spray = as.character(InsectSprays$spray)
> dt = tbl_df(InsectSprays)
> doC <- dt %>% group_by(count) %>% do(s = c(.$spray))
> head(doC)
Source: local data frame [6 x 2]

  count        s
1     0 <chr[2]>
2     1 <chr[6]>
3     2 <chr[4]>
4     3 <chr[8]>
5     4 <chr[4]>
6     5 <chr[7]>

> head(doC)[[2]]
[1] "C" "C"

[1] "C" "C" "C" "C" "E" "E"

[1] "C" "C" "D" "E"

[1] "C" "C" "D" "D" "E" "E" "E" "E"

[1] "C" "D" "D" "E"

[1] "D" "D" "D" "D" "D" "E" "E"




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