Primary sieve leads to stack overflow (I'm about to)

For an euler project, I was looking for a way to implement the Eratosthenes sieve because I expected it to be faster than my original implementation (and it is necessary). I came up with this function:

sieve :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
sieve p (x:xs) | rem x p == 0 = sieve p xs
               | otherwise = x : (sieve x $ sieve p xs)
sieve _ [] = []


Which works, but hits the fan very quickly causing a stack overflow. I headed here for some advice and immediately came across a spoiler that looks exactly the same to me, but the performance difference is unusual. I still want to keep using my own implementation and would like to know if my function can be easily changed to use less memory.


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1 answer

Your code has an exponential burst inside it:

sieve p (x:xs) | rem x p == 0 = sieve p xs
               | otherwise = x : (sieve x $ sieve p xs)
--                                          ^^^^^^^       here!
--                                ^^^^^^^                 and here!


You want to use an inner call sieve

to continue filtering with p

, but since you are using the same function sieve

, it also fires new filters for new primes when they encounter them, but this is completely redundant since the "top" call level also triggers a new one filter for the same simple!

sieve 2 [3..]
 = 3 : sieve 3 (sieve 2 [4..])
 = 3 : sieve 3 (5 : sieve 5 (sieve 2 [6..]))
 = 3 : 5 : sieve 5 (sieve 3 (sieve 5 (sieve 2 [6..])))
....         -- ^^^               ^^^                      -- !!!


After 7 passes to the top through four sieve

here, each will split in two, creating four new sieve 7

s, so there will be eight in the chain sieve

! Worse, when 9 is compound! - passes through the sieves, it separates 2, 7 s and 5 and will only deviate by 3. So this is actually worse than the exponential number of primes n

and close to exponential in the value of the last prime (i.e. ~ n log(n)


Change it to

sieve p (x:xs) | rem x p == 0 = sieve p xs
               | otherwise = x : (sieve x $ filter ((>0).(`rem` p)) xs)


and you will get a code equivalent to the one you are quoting.

If you prefer to pass the code to everyone, you can introduce a new argument, a boolean flag that determines whether new filters should be run or not:

primes = 2 : sieve True 2 [3..]
sieve b p (x:xs) | rem x p == 0 = sieve b p xs
                 | b = x : (sieve b x $ sieve False p xs)
                 | otherwise = x : sieve b p xs




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