JqGrid 'clearToolbar' without reloading grid

I need to clear toolbar

without reloading the mesh in mine jqgrid

. It should just reset the default toolbar.

I tried to use



My grid datatype:local

and I am not using loadonce:true


This did toolbar

clean and update the mesh. I don't want this to happen.

Any ideas?


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1 answer

I'm asking an interesting question.

To implement the requirement, I suggest using register jqGridToolbarBeforeClear

to execute the handler only once. The handler should: 1) unregister as an event handler and return "stop" to prevent reloading the grid:

$grid.jqGrid("filterToolbar", { defaultSearch: "cn" });
$("#clearToolbar").button().click(function () {
    var myStopReload = function () {
            $grid.unbind("jqGridToolbarBeforeClear", myStopReload);
            return "stop"; // stop reload
    $grid.bind("jqGridToolbarBeforeClear", myStopReload);
    if ($grid[0].ftoolbar) {


The corresponding demo shows it live.



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