MongoDB: find document matching a condition in all of its subdocument

I am trying to write a mongo query to get a result that satisfies the condition for its entire nested document,

1. { 
    "_id" : 1, 
    "data" : [
            "Id" : "513", 
            "Nom" : "alouale pfouga", 
    "campaigns" : [
            "user" : "1", 
            "latest" : NumberInt(0),             
            "postcode" : [

            "user" : "2", 
            "latest" : NumberInt(1), 
            "postcode" : [
                    "id" : "772", 
                    "name" : "xxx", 



2. { 
    "_id" : 2, 
    "data" : [
            "Id" : "514", 
            "Nom" : "pfouga remi", 
    "campaigns" : [
            "user" : "1", 
            "latest" : NumberInt(0),             
            "postcode" : [




I need to find a record where the Zip code array is empty. As far as I understand, the request is like this: db.users.find({"campaigns.postcode":[]})

gives me both records, but I only need it record 2

because it record 1

has a zip node in one subdock, please help me !!!


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2 answers

This will give you the answer:

db.test.find({ 'campaigns.postcode': { $size: 0 } } )


but in your case 'campaigns.postcode'

has an empty array which means the size is not 0, its 1

You have to delete empty array

"postcode" : [


it should be

"postcode" : []


Updated: After spending some time asking the question I figured out the problem

To convert "postcode" : [[]]

to, "postcode" : []

you can use this code:

db.test.find({ 'campaigns.postcode': []} ).forEach(function(item){
    for(var i0 = 0; i0 < item.campaigns.length; i0++)
        if(item.campaigns[i0].postcode[0].length == []) item.campaigns[i0].postcode = [];

    db.test.update({'_id' : item._id}, item);


after that you can find your correct result:

db.test.find({ 'campaigns.postcode': { $size: 0 }, 'campaigns': { $size: 1 } } )




In your json structure, it contains

"postcode" : [ [ ] ],

So, I tried some but didn't find any exact results in the expected results. I found zip data where all zip was empty using the following aggregation





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