ERB template does not collect variables from hieradata

I have a puppet infrastructure and I created a new module that references the variables that exist in the hamadata yaml files that everything works fine in the manifest section. However, when I access them in the erb template, the variables do not display anything after the puppet rus. There is a file, just variables ..


class cms_nxlog ($msi_file) {
    anchor { 'cms_nxlog::begin': }
file { "C:/CMS/${cms_nxlog::msi_file}":
    ensure      =>  'file',
    source      =>  "puppet:///modules/cms_nxlog/${cms_nxlog::msi_file}",
    owner       => 'Administrators',
    group       => 'Users',
    mode        => '0770'

package { 'NXLOG-CE':
    ensure      =>  installed ,
    source      =>  "C:\\CMS\\${cms_nxlog::msi_file}",
file { "C:/Program Files (x86)/nxlog/conf/nxlog.conf":
    ensure      => 'file',
    content      => template('cms_nxlog/nxlog.conf.erb'),
    owner       => 'Administrators',
    group       => 'Users',
    mode        => '0770',
    notify      => Service['nxlog'],
service { 'nxlog' :
    ensure      =>  'running',
    require     => Package['NXLOG-CE']
    anchor { 'cms_nxlog::end': }


Relevant section of the erb template:

<Output out>
Module om_udp
   Host <%= scope.lookupvar('cms::log_server') %>
   Port <%= scope.lookupvar('cms_nxlog::port') %>


Relevant yaml sections

cms_nxlog::msi_file:               nxlog-ce-2.8.1248.msi
cms_nxlog::port:                   514


This all fits perfectly, just copying the erb doesn't seem to populate the contents of the scope.lookupvar, so I end up saying

<Output out>
Module om_udp


As I said, the variables seem to work fine in the manifest and not in the template. I compared this to a similar module that seems to work to no avail.



source to share

1 answer

You need to call scope.function_hiera

, not scope.lookupvar


<Output out>
Moudule om_udp
    Host <%= scope.function_hiera(['cms::log_server']) %>
    Port <%= scope.function_hiera(['cms_nxlog::port']) %>


Note that it function_hiera

takes as an argument array

, not string


Hope this helps!



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