How do I sort a div?

I have a div table as for a page, is it possible to sort it as an html table with javascript?

I switched from a regular table because I was unable to continue using it because of this How do I add td rowspans to the table? and thus use a div table.

so I used this div table and the only thing I missed was how to make it sortable so that I can sort by item or price. For example datatables, tablesorter etc

<div class="Header">    
    <div class="item"><a href="#">Item</a>
    <div class="desc"><a href="#">Description</a>
    <div class="price"><a href="#">Price</a>
    <div class="status"><a href="#">Status</a>

<div class="Info">
  <div class="itemName">
    <div class="item">Item 1</div>
  <div class="itemInfo">
    <div class="List">
      <div class="Desc">Description 1</div>
      <div class="Box">                
        <div class="price">$79</div>
        <div class="status">16 in stock</div>


full code here and here


source to share

2 answers

Here is the sorting handler: (header classes should be the same as info, so have changed in desc header for Desc)

var sorting=1;
$(".Header div").each(function(){
        var cl=$(this).attr("class") // get header class, this is where I get info from
        sorting = sorting == 1 ? -1 : 1 ;         // sorting asc or desc
            var str1=$(a).find('.'+cl).text(); // get text
            var str2=$(b).find('.'+cl).text();
            var n1 = str1.match(/\d+/)[0] //get digits in text
            var n2 = str2.match(/\d+/)[0]
            if(n1 != '' ){ // if its a number
                return n1*sorting > n2*sorting; // sort by number
            }else{ // sort by string
                return sorting == 1 ? str1 > str2 : str1 < str2


Working fiddle:



You can sort the array using JavaScript and then dynamically create tags to put them on the column headers (which you should create in html for best performance).



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