Why UITableViewCell always resizes from 400 to 320 in storyboard

I am working in XCode 6 for iOS 8 and iPhone 5,6,6+. In Storyboard I am setting "Compact" width and "Normal" height, so the layout dimensions are 400 * 800. I created UITableViewController

with custom UITableViewCell

s, which are prototypes, also via storyboard. Cell configuration and set constraints work fine, no yellow warnings in storyboard.

Then I reload Xcode and all my labels, images and buttons inside the cell are shifted by -80 by "y" and have warnings, however the content view for the cell is still 400 wide.

It looks like this:

The problem ( http://prntscr.com/5d8snp )

This behavior is observed for all my UITableView

s. Can you suggest something? In the code I didn't do anything either, it's all in the storyboard and the UITableView.


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