How to count the 10 most common values ​​in a dict in python

I'm new to python and programming in general and so please be kind. I am trying to parse a csv file with music information and return the top n most listened bands. From the code below, each song listens to a dict recording in a list formatted like this:

[{'album': 'Exile on Main Street', 'song': 'Happy', 'datetime': '3 Dec 2014 14:08', 'artist': 'The Rolling Stones'}, {'album': 'II', 'song': 'Black Dog', 'datetime': '1 Dec 2014 08:08', 'artist': 'Led Zepplin'}]

from collections import Counter

def count_artist_plays(filename):
    with open(filename, 'r') as data:
        header = data.readline().strip().split(',')

        entries = []
        for line in data:
            entry = line.strip().split(',')
            listens = {}
            for info, type in enumerate(header):
                listens[type] = entry[info]


    for d in entries:
        arts = d['artist']
        c = Counter(arts)
        print c.most_common(10)


How can I get the most used string (range) instead of splitting a character? I get the following:

[('s', 2), ('a', 1), (' ', 1), ('E', 1), ('l', 1), ('o', 1), ('n', 1), ('S', 1), ('v', 1), ('y', 1)]



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1 answer

Initialize the Counter once, let the keys be artists, and increment the key (artist) every time through the loop:

c = Counter()
for d in entries:
    arts = d['artist']
    c[arts] += 1


When arts

is a string then c = Counter(arts)

counts characters in arts


In [522]: collections.Counter('Led Zepplin')
Out[522]: Counter({'e': 2, 'p': 2, ' ': 1, 'd': 1, 'i': 1, 'L': 1, 'l': 1, 'n': 1, 'Z': 1})



In [523]: c = collections.Counter()

In [524]: c['Led Zepplin'] += 1

In [525]: c['The Rolling Stones'] += 1

In [526]: c.most_common()
Out[526]: [('Led Zepplin', 1), ('The Rolling Stones', 1)]


Alternatively, as John Clements points out, create a list of all artists and then count the list:

c = Counter(d['artist'] for d in entries)


Note that the above uses a generator expression to avoid creating a (possibly) large temporary list, and at the same time has a much shorter, more readable syntax.



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