Why is the unexpected keyword argument "type" being called?

For typical values of integer p

, d

, q

and a list of numbers rollRate

given the following code:

fit = statsmodels.api.tsa.ARIMA(rollRate, (p,d,q)).fit()
forecast = fit.predict(start=len(rollRate),
                       end = len(rollRate)+11,
                       typ = 'levels')


creates an error that I don't understand:

File "C: ... \ Anaconda3 \ lib \ site-packages \ statsmodels \ base \ wrapper.py", line 92, wrapped return data.wrap_output (func (results, * args, ** kwargs) like)

TypeError: pred () got unexpected keyword argument 'typ'

I also successfully predicted with other list variables, but this particular list is giving me an error. Any idea as to why it predict()

doesn't take typ

a keyword as an argument when the source code says it can ?


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1 answer

Oh, I see a problem. You don't have an ARIMA model. You have an ARMA model because d=0

. ARMA.predict

does not accept a keyword argument typ

because it is not needed.



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