Python / Numpy - Speed ​​up Monte Carlo Method for Radioactive Decay

I am trying to optimize the decay time generation of a radioactive isotope of Monte Carlo. This gives the nsims

atoms of an isotope with a half-life t12

when each isotope decays? I tried to optimize this by generating random numbers for all the non-decaying atoms at once using a single call numpy.random.random

(I call this method parallel), but I hope the performance is even better. I also show a method that does this calculation for each isotope individually (sequential).

import numpy as np
import time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.optimize

t12 = 3.1*60.
dt = 0.01
ln2 = np.log(2)
decay_exp = lambda t,A,tau: A * np.exp(-t/tau)

def serial(nsims):
    sim_start_time = time.clock()
    decay_time = np.zeros(nsims)
    for i in range(nsims):
        t = dt
        while decay_time[i] == 0:
            if np.random.random() > np.exp(-ln2*dt/t12):
                decay_time[i] = t
            t += dt
    sim_end_time = time.clock()
    return (sim_end_time - sim_start_time,decay_time)

def parallel(nsims):
    sim_start_time = time.clock()
    decay_time = np.zeros(nsims)
    t = dt
    while 0 in decay_time:
        inot_decayed = np.where(decay_time == 0)[0]
        idecay_check = np.random.random(len(inot_decayed)) > np.exp(-ln2*dt/t12)
        decay_time[inot_decayed[np.where(idecay_check==True)[0]]] = t
        t += dt
    sim_end_time = time.clock()
    return (sim_end_time - sim_start_time,decay_time)


I am interested in any suggestions that work better than a function parallel

that is pure python, i.e. not cython. This method already significantly improves the method of serial

calculating this for large ones nsims


The performance gain of parallel vs serial functions, is there a better method?


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1 answer

There is still some speed gain to be gained from your original execution "in parallel" (vectorized correct word).

Note, this is micromanagement, but it still gives a slight increase in performance.

import numpy as np
t12 = 3.1*60.
dt = 0.01
ln2 = np.log(2)

s = 98765

def parallel(nsims):  # your code, unaltered, except removed inaccurate timing method
    decay_time = np.zeros(nsims)
    t = dt
    np.random.seed(s) # also had to add a seed to get comparable results
    while 0 in decay_time:
        inot_decayed = np.where(decay_time == 0)[0]
        idecay_check = np.random.random(len(inot_decayed)) > np.exp(-ln2*dt/t12)
        decay_time[inot_decayed[np.where(idecay_check==True)[0]]] = t
        t += dt
    return decay_time

def parallel_micro(nsims): # micromanaged code
    decay_time = np.zeros(nsims)
    t = dt
    half_time = np.exp(-ln2*dt/t12)  # there was no need to calculate this again in every loop iteration
    np.random.seed(s)  # fixed seed to get comparable results
    while 0 in decay_time:
        inot_decayed = np.where(decay_time == 0)[0]  # only here you need the call to np.where
        # to my own surprise, len(some_array) is quicker than some_array.size (function lookup vs attribute lookup)
        idecay_check = np.random.random(len(inot_decayed)) > half_time
        decay_time[inot_decayed[idecay_check]] = t # no need for another np.where and certainly not for another boolean comparison
        t += dt
    return decay_time


You can perform time measurements using the timeit module . Profiling will tell you that the challenge is the bottleneck here np.where


Knowing what the bottleneck is np.where

, you can get rid of it like this:

def parallel_micro2(nsims):
    decay_time = np.zeros(nsims)
    t = dt
    half_time = np.exp(-ln2*dt/t12)
    indices = np.where(decay_time==0)[0]
    u = len(indices)
    while u:
        decayed = np.random.random(u) > half_time
        decay_time[indices[decayed]] = t
        indices = indices[np.logical_not(decayed)]
        u = len(indices)
        t += dt
    return decay_time


And this gives a pretty big speed boost:

In [2]: %timeit -n1 -r1 parallel_micro2(1e4)
1 loops, best of 1: 7.81 s per loop

In [3]: %timeit -n1 -r1 parallel_micro(1e4)
1 loops, best of 1: 29 s per loop

In [4]: %timeit -n1 -r1 parallel(1e4)
1 loops, best of 1: 33.5 s per loop


Remember to get rid of the call np.random.seed

when you're done optimizing.



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