Angular -datatables with ColVis, sorting or hiding columns deletes all data

I am using AngularJS with Angular-datatables ( ) and I am using Colvis datatables plugin. The table displays fine but sorts the column headers OR using Show / hide ColVis columns removes all data:

I have a table inside an Angular controller

<div ng-controller="withColVisCtrl">
<table datatable dt-options="dtOptions">
      <th>Col 1</th>
      <th>Col 2</th>          
     <tr ng-repeat="value in value_list">
       <td>col 1 data</td>
       <td> col 2 data</td>


withColVisCtrl uses a controller:

  angular.module('myApp').controller('withColVisCtrl', function ($scope, DTOptionsBuilder) {
        $scope.dtOptions = DTOptionsBuilder.newOptions()
          .withColVisOption('aiExclude', [1]);                                       


When I click on the column header OR use Colvis show / hide, then the table appears to be redrawn but no data.

My data comes in via API, so it is different from the Angular-Datatables ColVis examples ( ).

What am I missing here?


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2 answers

The reason why nothing appears is because you need a data source. The example provided has the following code:

angular.module('datatablesSampleApp', ['datatables']).controller('withColVisCtrl', function ($scope, DTOptionsBuilder, DTColumnBuilder) {
    $scope.dtOptions = DTOptionsBuilder.fromSource('data.json')
        // Active ColVis plugin
        // Add a state change function
        .withColVisStateChange(function(iColumn, bVisible) {
            console.log('The column' + iColumn + ' has changed its status to ' + bVisible)
        // Exclude the last column from the list
        .withColVisOption('aiExclude', [2]);
    $scope.dtColumns = [
        DTColumnBuilder.newColumn('firstName').withTitle('First name'),
        DTColumnBuilder.newColumn('lastName').withTitle('Last name')


Pay attention to the second line: $scope.dtOptions = DTOptionsBuilder.fromSource('data.json')

The method used is to extract data from a json file.

When browsing the net, this is what their data source looks like - .

Just re-create that datafile, upload it with DTOptionsBuilder.fromSource(PATH_TO_FILE)

, and you should be good to go.

Let me know if you have any problems.




Look at the screenshot, here the method is working fine, but when calling this method from the second answer about a successful api response with new data, the UI won't change, or if I used $ apply to call it manually, then the data table started behaving strange.

Please correct me if I do something wrong

enter image description here



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