.NET WCF error and Java SOAP service error

I am using a .NET WCF client to connect to a SOAP service (implemented in Java). Client certificate authentication is used. Here is the binding configuration code:

var binding = new BasicHttpBinding
    Security = new BasicHttpSecurity
        Mode = BasicHttpSecurityMode.TransportWithMessageCredential,
        Message = new BasicHttpMessageSecurity
            ClientCredentialType = BasicHttpMessageCredentialType.Certificate
var endpoint = new EndpointAddress(new Uri("https://[service_url]"));

var service = new ServiceClient(binding, endpoint);
    StoreLocation.LocalMachine, StoreName.My,
    X509FindType.FindByThumbprint, "certificate_thumbprint");


Below is the error returned by the Java server when trying to connect using config:

com.sun.xml.wss.XWSSecurityException: message does not match configured policy (signature found): additional security than required to find

What is the problem?


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