Name resolution of localized folders returned by JFileChooser on Mac OS

In Mac OS, certain folders such as " Desktop

" or " Applications

" are localized so that they are named in the Finder, for example, " Schreibtisch

" and " Programme

" in German. This leads to problems with JFileChooser in Java


When I configure JFileChooser

to only allow directory selection using the method setFileSelectionMode

and the user selects " Schreibtisch

", the path I get back from the dialog is */Users/username/Schreibtisch*

. Obviously this folder does not exist because it is a localized name */Users/username/Desktop*



or File.isDirectory()

both return false and getCanonicalPath () does not allow localization. Is there a way to get the "physical" path from the localized one?

It's weird when the user selects a subfolder " Schreibtisch

" like the */Users/username/Schreibtisch/images*

returned path */Users/username/Desktop/images*

, which is correct.


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