Sparking: how to output streaming data in cassandra

I am reading kafka message streams using sparking. Now I want to install Cassandra as output. I created a table in cassandra "test_table" with columns "key: text primary key" and "value: text" I have successfully mapped the data in the JavaDStream<Tuple2<String,String>> data

following way:

JavaSparkContext sc = new JavaSparkContext("local[4]", "SparkStream",conf);
JavaStreamingContext jssc = new JavaStreamingContext(sc, new Duration(3000));

JavaPairReceiverInputDStream<String, String> messages = KafkaUtils.createStream(jssc, args[0], args[1], topicMap );
JavaDStream<Tuple2<String,String>> data = Function< Tuple2<String,String>, Tuple2<String,String> >() 
    public Tuple2<String,String> call(Tuple2<String, String> message)
        return new Tuple2<String,String>( message._1(), message._2() );


Then I created a list:

List<TestTable> list = new ArrayList<TestTable>();


where TestTable is my custom class, which has the same structure as my Cassandra table, with key and value elements:

class TestTable
    String key;
    String val;

    public TestTable() {}

    public TestTable(String k, String v)

    public String getKey(){
        return key;

    public void setKey(String k){

    public String getVal(){
        return val;

    public void setVal(String v){

    public String toString(){
        return "Key:"+key+",Val:"+val;


Please suggest a way to add data from JavaDStream<Tuple2<String,String>> data

to List<TestTable> list

. I do this so that I can later use

JavaRDD<TestTable> rdd = sc.parallelize(list); 
javaFunctions(rdd, TestTable.class).saveToCassandra("testkeyspace", "test_table"); 


to store the RDD data in Cassandra.

I've tried coding like this:

messages.foreachRDD(new Function<Tuple2<String,String>, String>()
                            public List<TestTable> call(Tuple2<String,String> message)
                                String k = message._1();
                                String v = message._2();
                                TestTable tbl = new TestTable(k,v);


but there seems to be some error happening. Please, help.


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1 answer

Assuming the intent of this program is to save streaming data from kafka to Cassandra, there is no need to dump the data JavaDStream<Tuple2<String,String>>

into a list List<TestTable>


DataStax's Spark-Cassandra connector supports this feature directly through Spark Streaming extensions .

It is enough to use such extensions on JavaDStream


javaFunctions(data).writerBuilder("testkeyspace", "test_table", mapToRow(TestTable.class)).saveToCassandra();


instead of draining data in the intermediate list.



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