MSAA COM-based?
I am wondering if MSAA is COM-based, then you have to use CreateObject ("Accessibility") to instantiate and call its methods. I have had no success with this. I have "OLEACC.DLL" in SYSTEM32 and it is registered on Windows. But CreateObject doesn't work.
Any thoughts?
I would like to use functions such as AccessibleObjectFromPoint () to get the IAccessible object of the control at a given point.
Has anyone had this experience?
Any input is greatly appreciated,
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MSAA is COM based. However, there is no co-created class, it only exposes interfaces. This is the reason why you cannot do CreateObject()
APIs supported by MSAA like AccessibleObjectFromPoint
and AccessibleObjectFromWindow
are dll exported C ++ methods. You can use them from C ++ by linking the appropriate lib or making LoadLibrary/GetProcAddress
with the function name. With C #, you can get the P / nvoke declaration for these from . For example, here's DllImport for AccessibleObjectFromWindow
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