Using struct method in Golang template

Struct methods in Go templates are usually named the same as public struct properties, but in this case it just doesn't work:

{{with index . 0}}
  {{.FirstName}} {{.LastName}} is {{.SquareAge}} years old.



executing "person" at <.SquareAge>: SquareAge is not a field
of struct type main.Person


A similar problem with:

{{$person := index . 0}}
{{$person.FirstName}} {{$person.LastName}} is
  {{$person.SquareAge}} years old.


In constrast mode this works:

{{range .}}
  {{.FirstName}} {{.LastName}} is {{.SquareAge}} years old.


How to call the SquareAge () method in the {{with}} and {{$}} examples?


source to share

1 answer

As previously stated in Call a Method from the Go Template , a method defined as

func (p *Person) SquareAge() int {
    return p.Age * p.Age


available only by type *Person


Since you are not mutating the object Person

in the method SquareAge

, you can simply change the receiver from p *Person

to p Person

and it will work with your previous slice.

Alternatively, if you replace

var people = []Person{
    {"John", "Smith", 22},
    {"Alice", "Smith", 25},
    {"Bob", "Baker", 24},



var people = []*Person{
    {"John", "Smith", 22},
    {"Alice", "Smith", 25},
    {"Bob", "Baker", 24},


It will also work.

Working example # 1:

Working example # 2:



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