Moment.js gives wrong date in firefox but not chrome

I have a weird problem with moment.js. I wrote a function to convert time from utc to german time format and everything seemed to work fine in chrome. But now I tried it with firefox and here I got an invalid date.


    format: "DD. MMMM YYYY"

$('#from').on('change',function() {

    var a = moment($('#from').val(), "DD. MMMM YYYY").format("LLLL");
    var b = moment(a).add(7,'days');

    var localTime  = moment.utc(b).toDate();
    localTime = moment(localTime).format('DD. MMMM YYYY');



    format:'DD.MMMM YYYY'



    var from = moment(fromfield.value).format();

    var to = moment(tofield.value).format();


    $('#calendar').fullCalendar( 'gotoDate', from );



 function getEventDate(start,end,people) {

     var Calendar = $('#calendar');
     var Event = {
       title:"Your stay for "+people+" people",
       allDay: true,
       start: start,
       end: end


      Calendar.fullCalendar( 'renderEvent', Event );


   / ...


I have seen this answer , but cannot get it to work anyway. Can anyone help me?


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2 answers

It's not clear from your question which part of the code is throwing the error, but the likely culprit is that Moment.js simply delegates Date.parse

for non-ISO-8601 strings:

So, assuming you are using Moment to parse user input or another field in an unknown format, or to parse a format rather than ISO-8601, you would need to specify the format explicitly to get guaranteed cross browser behavior. Otherwise, you dive into cross-browser vaguaries Date.parse

- the only format that works consistently is ISO-8601.



moment(date_string, date_format);


Pass the format when parsing the date. Example

moment("25/12/1995", "DD/MM/YYYY");




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