Javascript stops working on typing multiple class names

I'm just a JavaScript problem. I have this JS code that I am using to highlight rows in a pricing table. The problem is that if I used multiple class names at the same time, it stops working. For example:

<div class="el1 someclass">Hover does not work in this</div>

<div class="el1">Hover does work in this</div>


var classes = ["el1", "el2", "el3", "el4", "el5", "el6", "el7", "el8", "el9","el10","el11","el12", "el13","el14","el15","el16","el17","el18","el19","el20","el21","el22", "el23", "el24","el25" ]; //list of your classes
var elms = {};
var n = {}, nclasses = classes.length;
function changeColor(classname, color) {
    var curN = n[classname];
    for(var i = 0; i < curN; i ++) {
        elms[classname][i].style.backgroundColor = color;
for(var k = 0; k < nclasses; k ++) {
    var curClass = classes[k];
    elms[curClass] = document.getElementsByClassName(curClass);
    n[curClass] = elms[curClass].length;
    var curN = n[curClass];
    for(var i = 0; i < curN; i ++) {
        elms[curClass][i].onmouseover = function() {
            changeColor(this.className, "#dbdbdb");
        elms[curClass][i].onmouseout = function() {
            changeColor(this.className, "transparent");


Can someone help me please, I am new to JS.



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3 answers

The property className

on the dom element returns the fully qualified class name; that is, if some element has several classes (for example, <div class="herp derp"></div>

), then className = "herp derp"


If you want to call changeColor

for each of these multiple classes, try something like this:

// first, change the order of the arguments on the changeColor function so we can pre-apply the color argument
function changeColor(color, classname) {
    var curN = n[classname];
    for(var i = 0; i < curN; i ++) {
        elms[classname][i].style.backgroundColor = color;


Now we can change the way we call changeColor

// now, where you previously called changeColor, do something like this
this.className.split(" ").forEach(changeColor.bind(null, "transparent"));
// we now will call changeColor on all of the classes of this with the appropriate color ("transparent" or "#dbdbdb")




var classes = ["el1", "el2", "el3", "el4", "el5", "el6", "el7", "el8", "el9","el10","el11","el12", "el13","el14","el15","el16","el17","el18","el19","el20","el21","el22", "el23", "el24","el25" ]; //list of your classes
var elms = {};
var n = {}, nclasses = classes.length;
function changeColor(classname, color) {
    var curN = n[classname];
    for(var i = 0; i < curN; i ++) {
        elms[classname][i].style.backgroundColor = color;
for(var k = 0; k < nclasses; k ++) {
    var curClass = classes[k];
    elms[curClass] = document.getElementsByClassName(curClass);
    n[curClass] = elms[curClass].length;
    var curN = n[curClass];
    for(var i = 0; i < curN; i ++) {
        elms[curClass][i].onmouseover = function() {
            changeColor(this.className.split(' ')[0], "#dbdbdb");
        elms[curClass][i].onmouseout = function() {
            changeColor(this.className.split(' ')[0], "transparent");

<div class="el1 someclass">Hover does not work in this</div>
<div class="el1">Hover does work in this</div>

Run code

The problem was

function changeColor(classname, color) {
    var curN = n[classname];
    for(var i = 0; i < curN; i ++) {
        elms[classname][i].style.backgroundColor = color;


This is where you assign hover to each element where this link will be

>>            changeColor(this, "#dbdbdb");


pass only one item and change color



Take a look at the script I created. The problem is that when you try to change the color you pass the class name again and try to select the element again when you already have a reference to the element where you change the background color. So, pass the element directly and change the background.


var n = {}, nclasses = classes.length;
function changeColor(elm, color) { = color;
for(var k = 0; k < nclasses; k ++) {
    var curClass = classes[k];
    elms[curClass] = document.getElementsByClassName(curClass);
    n[curClass] = elms[curClass].length;
    var curN = n[curClass];
    for(var i = 0; i < curN; i ++) {
        elms[curClass][i].onmouseover = function() {
            changeColor(this, "#dbdbdb");
        elms[curClass][i].onmouseout = function() {
            changeColor(this, "transparent");





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