Search by field in jpa play framework
I am using JPA in Play 2.2.1 . How can I find by field (other than id) in my model.
I have a User model
public class User{
public Long id;
public String email;
public String password
And I want to check that the new user will not have the same email
but the find function is only for the primary key, so how can I find ByField (String email) in my model.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks to
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2 answers
There are many ways to do this. 1) NamedQuery 2) Java persistence query language 3) Criteria 4) Native queries ....
Nisanth kumar
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Well unique constraint will solve your problem here is the code
public class User{
public Long id;
@Column(name = "email")
public String email;
public String password
lazy lord
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