Operator * and + produces wrong result in numeric mars

I am trying to compute a number that produces a long Collatz sequence. But here's a weird problem. 3n+1

becomes 38654705674

when n

equal to 3. I see no error. here is the complete code:

/* 6.c -- calculates Longest Collatz sequence */
#include <stdio.h>
long long get_collatz_length(long long);
int main(void)
    long long i;
    long long current, current_count, count;

    current_count = 1;
    current = 1;
        // works fine when i is 2 the next line take eternity when i is 3;
        count = get_collatz_length(i);
        if(current_count <= count)
            current = i;
            current_count = count;
    printf("%lld %lld\n", current, current_count);

    return 0;

long long get_collatz_length(long long num)
    long long count;

    count = 1;
    while(num != 1)
        printf("%lld\n", num);
            num = num*3+1;        // here it is;
    return count;



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1 answer

It seems to be a bug in the compiler that does dmc

not handle the type correctly long long

. Here's a narrowed down test case:

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
    long long num = 3LL;

    /*printf("%lld\n", num);*/

    num = num * 3LL;

    char *t = (char *) &num;
    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
        printf("%x\t", t[i]);

    /*printf("%lld\n", num);*/

    return 0;


It produces (a bit endian, so 0x900000009

== 38 654 705 673


9       0       0       0       9       0       0       0


From disassembly, it looks like it stores a 64 bit integer as two 32 bit registers:

.data:0x000000be    6bd203  imul edx,edx,0x3
.data:0x000000c1    6bc803  imul ecx,eax,0x3
.data:0x000000c4    03ca    add ecx,edx
.data:0x000000c6    ba03000000  mov edx,0x3
.data:0x000000cb    f7e2    mul edx
.data:0x000000cd    03d1    add edx,ecx
.data:0x000000cf    31c0    xor eax,eax


I tested it further with a help objconv

that just confirms my original diagnosis:

#include <stdio.h>

void mul(void)
    long long a;
    long long c;

    a = 5LL;
    c = a * 3LL;

    printf("%llx\n", c);

int main(void)

    return 0;


disassembly (separate section):

>objconv.exe -fmasm ..\dm\bin\check.obj

_mul    PROC NEAR
        mov     eax, 5                                  ; 0000 _ B8, 00000005
        cdq                                             ; 0005 _ 99
        imul    edx, edx, 3                             ; 0006 _ 6B. D2, 03
        imul    ecx, eax, 3                             ; 0009 _ 6B. C8, 03
        add     ecx, edx                                ; 000C _ 03. CA
        mov     edx, 3                                  ; 000E _ BA, 00000003
        mul     edx                                     ; 0013 _ F7. E2
        add     edx, ecx                                ; 0015 _ 03. D1
        push    edx                                     ; 0017 _ 52
        push    eax                                     ; 0018 _ 50
        push    offset FLAT:?_001                       ; 0019 _ 68, 00000000(segrel)
        call    _printf                                 ; 001E _ E8, 00000000(rel)
        add     esp, 12                                 ; 0023 _ 83. C4, 0C
        ret                                             ; 0026 _ C3
_mul    ENDP


Note that mul edx

works implicitly on eax

. The result is stored in both registers, the higher part (in this case 0

) stored in edx

, and the lower part in eax




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