Symfony2 creates a twig extension

I want to create a simple extension TWIGA ({{imgWidth(...)}})

that calls getimagesize()

and returns width

and height

the image on the server.

I followed the installs you can find here .

When I reload my page I only see a blank page - error.log

tells me that

PHP Fatal error: class 'Fms \ MediaBundle \ Twig \ Extension \ ImgsizeExtension' not found in /var/www/fms/app/cache/dev/appDevDebugProjectContainer.php on line 4773

Service in MediaBundle\Resources\config\services.yml

looks like this:

        class: Fms\MediaBundle\Twig\Extension\ImgsizeExtension
            - name: twig.extension


Class :

// src/Fms/MediaBundle/Twig/Extension/ImgsizeExtension.php
namespace Fms\MediaBundle\Twig\Extension;

class ImgsizeExtension extends \Twig_Extension
    public function getFunctions()
        return array(
            new \Twig_SimpleFunction('imgsize', array($this, 'imgWidth'))

    public function imgWidth($mediaId = 0, $mediaSize = 'L')
        // ...
        return $mediaId;

    public function getName()
        return 'imgsize';


Clearing the cache via the console or manually didn't help either.


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1 answer

Change <?

to <?php

. I copied your code and in this symfony modification I finally found this class.



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