Python function between copy () and deepcopy ()

My answer can be considered a continuation of this post .

I have a dictionary containing lists of objects. I need a function between functions copy

and deepcopy

in a module copy

. I want something that does a deep copy of Python built-in structures and primitives (integers, sets, strings, lists, etc.), but doesn't create a deep copy of user-defined objects (or non-primitive, non-aggregate objects).

It seems I might need to change the method of __deepcopy__

my objects, but I'm not entirely sure how to do this correctly. Also a solution that does not change the method of the object is preferred __deepcopy__

, in case I want to make a deep copy of the object in a future script.

Let's assume this is the top of my Python file:

import copy

class Obj():
    def __init__(self,i):
        self.i = i

d = {0:Obj(5),1:[Obj(6)],2:[]}
d2 = copy.deepcopy(d)


As examples, I will provide below code snippets, as well as the actual output and the desired output.

Fragment 1

print "d[1][0].i:",d[1][0].i,"d2[1][0].i:",d2[1][0].i


  • Actual output: d[1][0].i: 7 d2[1][0].i: 6

  • Desired result d[1][0].i: 7 d2[1][0].i: 7

Fragment 2

d[0].i = 6
print "d[0].i:",d[0].i,"d2[0].i:",d2[0].i


  • Actual output: d[0].i: 6 d2[0].i: 5

  • Desired result d[0].i: 6 d2[0].i: 6


source to share

2 answers

Here you go straight from the docs:

import copy

class Obj:
    def __init__(self, i):
        self.i = i

    def __deepcopy__(self, memo):
        return self


Your last example seems to be wrong as it d3

is a shallow copy d

, so the indexed list 2

should remain the same link.

To enable deep copying as an option, you can set some attribute on the object and check it in __deepcopy__




You can see how the methods of (pure python) deepcopy

and copy

are made here . You can try to make it simpler for your specific objects or try to change the "original".

You can also change the method of __deepcopy__

your objects to just return self

, but this can affect their behavior - if you want deepcopy

them later, of course, but also if you are using some external libraries like debuggers or a GUI.



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