Gnuplot - update graph every second

I want to draw a graph that changes every second. I am using below code, it changes the graph periodically. But each iteration does not preserve the previous iteration points. How should I do it? There is only one point in every second. But I want to draw a graph with historical data.

FILE *pipe = popen("gnuplot -persist", "w");

// set axis ranges
fprintf(pipe,"set xrange [0:11]\n");
fprintf(pipe,"set yrange [0:11]\n");

int b = 5;int a;
for (a=0;a<11;a++) // 10 plots
    fprintf(pipe,"plot '-' using 1:2 \n");  // so I want the first column to be x values, second column to be y
    // 1 datapoints per plot
    fprintf(pipe, "%d %d \n",a,b);  // passing x,y data pairs one at a time to gnuplot

    fprintf(pipe,"e \n");    // finally, e
    fflush(pipe);   // flush the pipe to update the plot
    usleep(1000000);// wait a second before updating again

//  close the pipe



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1 answer

A few comments:

  • The default in gnuplot is that x data belongs to the first column and y data belongs to the second. You don't need a specification using 1:2

  • If you need 10 graphs, the loop shape for

    should be for (a = 0; a < 10; a++)


There is no good way in gnuplot to add a string that already exists, so it makes sense to store your values ​​to be displayed in an array and loop through that array:

#include <vector>

FILE *pipe = popen("gnuplot -persist", "w");

// set axis ranges
fprintf(pipe,"set xrange [0:11]\n");
fprintf(pipe,"set yrange [0:11]\n");

int b = 5;int a;

// to make 10 points
std::vector<int> x (10, 0.0); // x values
std::vector<int> y (10, 0.0); // y values

for (a=0;a<10;a++) // 10 plots
    x[a] = a;
    y[a] = // some function of a
    fprintf(pipe,"plot '-'\n");
    // 1 additional data point per plot
    for (int ii = 0; ii <= a; ii++) {
        fprintf(pipe, "%d %d\n", x[ii], y[ii]) // plot `a` points

    fprintf(pipe,"e\n");    // finally, e
    fflush(pipe);   // flush the pipe to update the plot
    usleep(1000000);// wait a second before updating again

//  close the pipe


Of course, you probably want to avoid hardcoded magic numbers (like 10), but this is just an example.



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