Set array of float arrays to multidimensional array

I am trying to understand pointers in c / arduino and it is giving me problems :)

I have a function that creates and returns a pointer to a float array:

float* CreateArray(int i) {
    float test[2];
    test[0] = float(i+1); 
    test[1] = float(i+2);
    return test;


I also defined a multidimensional array:

float data[2][2];


Before doing anything, I expect the data to look like this: (which is what it does)

0 0
0 0


When I run the following code:

float* array = CreateArray(22);
*data[1] = *array;


I expect the data to look like this:

0  0
23 24


But it looks like this:

0  0
23 0


Somehow the information is lost when the array created was float [2] and when I try to apply it to float [2] I get:

ISO C++ forbids casting to an array type 'float [2]'



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1 answer

Instead of using a pointer returned from a locally defined raw array on the stack, you should use to make the return values ​​available: std::array

std::array<float,2> CreateArray(int i) {
    std::array<float,2> test;
    test[0] = float(i+1); 
    test[1] = float(i+2);
    return test;


This should fix all of your problems regarding undefined behavior as indicated in the previously noted duplicate to this question.



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