X86 assembler breaks code

    #include <studio.h>
    #include <dos.h>
    void interrupt (*int9save) (void)
    void interrupt eliminate_multiple_press(void)
    asm {
    MOV AH,0
    int 16h
    MOV scan_temp,AH
    CMP ZF,0
    void interrupt uneliminate_multiple_press()
    void main(void)
    char str[100];
    int check=1;
    char scan_temp;
    unsigned int scan_code ;
    printf("enter a word\n");
    scan_code=(unsigned int) scan_temp;
    printf("the word is:\n");
    return ;


Hey I'm writing assembly code. I am trying to resolve an interrupt issue that asks me to make a long button treated like a single button and I am stuck here !! so please someone can help me or give me a link on how to proceed ... when I press the ZF == 0 button and when I leave the ZF == 1 button this might help thanks alot


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1 answer

In your own keyboard interrupt handler, you can have something like this (this is YASM / NASM syntax, not tested):

Edit: Rewrote the code, added comments and links.

    push ax     ; push ax (you can create a stack frame too, if you wish).
    push bx     ; push bx.

    in al,0x60  ; read scancode from keyboard port 60h to al.

    cmp al,[cs:last_scancode] ; compare the current and last scancodes.
    je @ready                 ; jump if its the same scancode, nothing to do.

    test al,0x80              ; test highest bit of al to see if it release
                              ; or not.
                              ; test does logical AND without saving the result,
                              ; it only updates the flags
                              ; (and al,0x80 would be OK too).

    jnz @key_released         ; jump if it a released key.

    ; OK, we have a new key.

    movzx bx,al               ; copy the scancode from al to bx.

    mov [cs:last_scancode],al ; store the current scancode into memory.

    ; Do something with the new key here.

    ; This is an example.

    mov al,1
    mov [cs:bx+keys_pressed],al ; set the corresponding byte of array to 1
                                ; (pressed).
    mov [cs:something_to_do],al ; set the flag "something to do" to 1.
                                ; (so that the main code needs to scan through
                                ; keys_pressed array only when there at least
                                ; 1 key that hasn't been handled yet).

    ; Do something here upon the key release if you wish...
    ; This really depends on what do you want to if with released keys.

    ; If you want that keypresses are handled even after the corresponding key
    ; is  are released and that the the key release shouldn't cause any action,
    ; (in the case you don't poll that repeatedly), don't do anything here.
    ; If you want that keypresses are _not_ handled after the release, then set
    ; the corresponding byte of keys_pressed array to 0
    ; (uncomment the 3 lines below):
    ; and al,0x7F                     ; clear the highest bit.
    ; movzx bx,al                     ; copy the scancode from al to bx.
    ; mov [cs:bx+keys_pressed],byte 0 ; mark the key as not pressed.

    mov al,0x20             ; write byte 20h to port 20h to inform PIC.
    out 0x20,al             ; (programmable interrupt controller) that it OK
                            ; to continue sending interrupts.
    pop bx
    pop ax

last_scancode db 0

keys_to_handle db 0           ; in the main code you can poll for this.
                              ; After handling the keys, set this to 0.

keys_pressed times 128 db 0   ; db 128 dup 0 in some other assemblers
                              ; In the main program code scan through this if
                              ; keys_to_handle is not zero, and set the
                              ; corresponding byte to 0 to not handle it twice.


Main code (not owned by interrupt controller):

    test [cs:keys_to_handle], byte 0xFF ; check if there are keys to handle.
    jz @no_keys_to_handle               ; no, nothing to do.

    ; here scan through entire keys_pressed array and set handled keys'
    ; corresponding bytes to 0.
    ; remember to loop through the entire array, there can be several keys to handle.

    mov [cs:keys_to_handle], byte 0     ; set keys_to_handle byte to 0.

    ; do something else


Some useful links:

OSDev: Interrupts : A helpful article on interrupts.

OSDev: "8042" PS / 2 Controller : useful information about working with the keyboard.

OSDev: 8259 PIC : Information about the 8259 Programmable Interrupt Controller.



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