List of records by multiple criteria, paginated

I need your help in the following situation:

I have a table that looks like this:

| id | order | highlighted |
|  1 |   5   |      1      |
|  2 |   7   |      1      |
|  3 |   0   |      0      |
|  4 |   0   |      0      |
|  5 |   9   |      1      |
|        *and so on*       |


  • id

  • order

    - INT (11)
  • highlighted

    is INT (11) and only contains the values ​​"1" or "0"

I would like to sort these records in one query like this:

  • first display all lines that have highlighted

    = '1' ordered by order

  • followed by lines which highlighted

    = '0' ordered by id

  • the resulting list should be paginated ( limit 30, 10

    - as an example, this would be a page with 10 items per page)

The result should be:

| id | order | highlighted |
|  5 |   9   |      1      |
|  2 |   7   |      1      |
|  1 |   5   |      1      |
|  4 |   0   |      0      |
|  3 |   0   |      0      |
|        *and so on*       |


Any ideas? Thank you in advance for any suggestions!


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2 answers

Try the following:

SELECT, a.order, a.highlighted 
FROM tableA a
ORDER BY a.highlighted DESC, 
        (CASE WHEN a.highlighted = 1 THEN a.order ELSE END) DESC
LIMIT 30, 10;




try below:

    select * from 
    select * from tableA where highlighted = 1 Order By order desc    
    select * from tableA where highlighted = 0 Order By id desc
     )alias    LIMIT 30, 10




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