Emacs sr-speedbar
I am currently trying to learn Emacs in more depth so that I can do more with my Emacs than just simple editing stuff ... I am making good progress and am currently trying to customize the "sr-speedbar" module to my liking , but some details I cannot figure out myself:
- Let's say that I have 2 buffer windows A and B open, as well as a speed pane window. If I open a file by pressing Enter in the speed bar window, then the new file always opens in the same buffer B window (which I opened last). Can I somehow indicate that the new content should be opened in buffer window A?
- Currently the speedbar window is automatically updated to the new location when I open a new file using "Cx Cf". This is actually very useful, but sometimes I don't want it when I quickly try to do something in a tmp file. And the update also "destroys" my "tree view" of the speedbar, where I expanded the contents of the directory rather than opening them directly. The question is, how can I suppress this "refreshing behavior"? Can I somehow disable automatic mode and start it manually if I need it?
And do you guys have any more helpful speed navigation tips? How do Emacs gurus use speed, or are there better alternatives?
thanks in advance for your help!
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You can turn off auto-update in the init file like this:
(require 'sr-speedbar)
(setq sr-speedbar-auto-refresh nil)
and / or turn it on and off later using the function sr-speedbar-refresh-toggle
By default it (and the speedbar) is a little weird, but - it also doesn't show files it doesn't recognize, uses images for buttons, and installs on the right side - so you can set these if you want -
(setq speedbar-show-unknown-files t) ; show all files
(setq speedbar-use-images nil) ; use text for buttons
(setq sr-speedbar-right-side nil) ; put on left side
I use sr-speedbar for projects that have a sufficient directory structure - otherwise I use normal switch buffer (Cx b), ibuffer (Cx Cb) and dired (Cx d) and another function that switches to the previous buffer. Also tied to single keys because they are used so much.
But ... I'm still learning Emacs - I haven't tried a rudder, projectile, or explorer project yet - they're interesting too.
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