Xcode 6 Launchscreen.xib with various resources for iPad landscape and portrait

Using the LaunchScreen that was introduced in Xcode 6, can I define the different assets to use in the iPad Landscape and Portrait? Since the characteristics for the orientation of the iPad are the same (which is a shame, by the way), I cannot distinguish between them.

Does this mean to either use the same assets and layouts for landscape and iPad portfolio or not use Launchscreen in xib or storyboard, but rather use the "old way" with two full screens for portrait and landscape orientation

Any tricks I am missing? I really would like to use Launchscreen.xib as it is very convenient to save memory for different fullscreen images for each screen size.


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1 answer

You cannot do what you want. The storyboard can't tell the iPad portrait from the landscape, and there's a view controller behind it. We can manipulate the testing conditions and change the layout or assets.

I faced this same issue and the answer was to drop it and use static startup images. Like you, I really wanted to use a storyboard, but that's not possible right now.

I tried to do layouts something like this.

enter image description hereenter image description here



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