Get the number of specific instances in an inner join?

I have three tables: users, lists and tasks.

The list table has user_id as a foreign key. The task table has list_id as foreign key and user_id as field.

I am using the following SQL statement to display lists of users and the number of completed tasks:

    COUNT( task.task_id ) AS numberofTasks,
    COUNT( CASE WHEN task.task_completed=1 THEN 1 END) AS numberofCompletedTasks
FROM list
    ON list.user_id = ':user_id' AND list.list_id = task.list_id
GROUP BY list_name


The complete table schemas are:


  • list_id
  • user_id FK

a task

  • task_name
  • task_completed
  • user_id
  • list_id FK

This does not work. How can I modify this statement to get all the lists from the user (even if the list does not contain tasks) and get the number of tasks (total and completed), if any?


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2 answers

Part of your problem is that you are only checking the user_id on the list table. You should also make sure that the task table also contains the correct user_id. One way to do this is to join tables to that condition and then check for a specific user in a where clause.

Second, if you want to see lists regardless of whether or not they have tasks, you must use an outer join. If you do, I recommend modifying your aggregate functions to handle null values. Try something like this:

  l.list_id, l.list_name, l.list_time_created, 
  COUNT(CASE WHEN t.task_id IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) AS numberOfTasks,
  SUM(CASE WHEN t.task_completed IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE t.task_completed END) AS numberOfCompletedTasks
FROM list l
LEFT JOIN task t ON l.list_id = t.list_id AND l.user_id = t.user_id
WHERE l.user_id = 1
GROUP BY l.list_id;


This will select columns, count all non-zero instances of task_id, all instances where task_completed is 1 for each list_id. This will show all list_ids, so if it has no tasks, we will see the counts of 0. There is no need to do additional grouping of user_id here as you are asking for a specific user.

Since task_completed is either 0 or 1, using the SUM aggregation function effectively gives you the number of completed tasks. I used validation, although I summed from 0 for null instances.

This is worked out in the SQL Fiddle for me, let me know if this is causing problems for you.


If I can comment on the design of your table, I would recommend removing the user_id from one of the tables. You don't need to have it in both. Let's say you are removing user_id from the task table. I can go from the task-> list to get the user_id. If I have this in both, they might be inconsistent. However, this is just a comment. I don't know your whole situation, a design change might not be practical, or maybe you have a reason for doing this.



Use left join

one that shows your list, even if there is no entry in the task.



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