Build Highest Quality Proxy Tubes

Is it possible to create a function so that a Proxy

from pipes can be built inside out? By the highest quality I mean creating a proxy from a function that connects upstream and downstream connections. The most desirable (but impossible) signature would be

makeProxy :: (Monad m) =>
             (Server a' a m r -> Client b' b m r -> Effect m r) ->
              Proxy  a' a               b' b               m r


The first problem we face is the mechanical task of building Proxy

. We don't know if a function will look at Server

or Client

, except that each of them will M

, in which case we will only know which one it looked at, not what value it tried to send up or down with the flow. If we focus on the upstream end, the only thing we know is that something was trying to figure out what the upstream proxy is, so we need to decide if this always leads to Request

further upstream or Respond

ing. Either way, we answer, the only meaning we can provide is ()

. This means that we can make the Request ()

upstream producer orRespond ()

immediately. If we consider making this choice for both ends, there are only four possible functions. The following functions are named after their upstream and downstream connections send interesting data downstream ( D

) or upstream ( U


betweenDD :: (Monad m) =>
             (Server () a m r -> Client () b m r -> Effect m r) ->
              Proxy  () a               () b               m r
betweenDD = undefined

betweenDU :: (Monad m) =>
             (Server () a m r -> Client b' () m r -> Effect m r) ->
              Proxy  () a               b' ()               m r
betweenDU = undefined

betweenUU :: (Monad m) =>
             (Server a' () m r -> Client b' () m r -> Effect m r) ->
              Proxy  a' ()               b' ()               m r
betweenUU f = reflect (betweenDD g)
    where g source sink = f (reflect sink) (reflect source)

betweenUD :: (Monad m) =>
             (Server a' () m r -> Client () b m r -> Effect m r) ->
              Proxy  a' ()               () b               m r
betweenUD = undefined



is the most interesting, he will build a pipe between Producer

and a Consumer

; betweenUU

will do the same for a pipe going upstream. betweenDU

will consume data requesting it from one of two sources. betweenUD

will produce data by sending it to one of two destinations.

Can we give a definition for betweenDD

? If not, can we instead provide definitions for the following simple functions?

belowD :: (Monad m) =>
          (Producer a m r -> Producer b m r) ->
           Proxy () a              () b m r

aboveD :: (Monad m) =>
          (Consumer b m r -> Consumer a m r) ->
           Proxy () a              () b m r


This question was motivated by an attempt to write belowD

to answer the question aboutP.zipWith



This example is essentially the question that inspired this question. ...

Let's say we want to create Pipe

which will be the number

values ​​passing through it. Pipe

will have values a

going downstream upstream and values (n, a)

going downstream downstream; in other words, it will Pipe a (n, a)


We will solve this problem by zip

pinging with numbers. The result of zip

ing with numbers is a function (->)

from a Producer a

to a Producer (n, a)


import qualified Pipes.Prelude as P

number' :: (Monad m, Num n, Enum n) => Producer a m () -> Producer (n, a) m ()
number' = (fromList [1..])


Even if it Pipe

will consume a

from an upstream, from the point of view of the function, it needs Producer


to provide these values. If we had a definition for belowD

, we could write

number :: (Monad m, Num n, Enum n) => Pipe a (n, a) m ()
number = belowD ( (fromList [1..]))


given a suitable definition for fromList

fromList :: (Monad m) => [a] -> Producer a m ()
fromList []     = return ()
fromList (x:xs) = do
    yield x
    fromList xs



source to share

2 answers

In fact, I think it makeProxy

is possible if you change the type slightly. I'm on my phone so I can't test it yet, but I believe it works:

{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}

import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Pipes.Core

    ::  Monad m
    =>  (   forall n. Monad n
        =>  (a' -> Server a' a n r)
        ->  (b  -> Client b' b n r)
        ->         Effect      n r
    ->  Proxy a' a b' b m r
makeProxy k = runEffect (k up dn)
    up = lift . request \>\ pull
    dn = push />/ lift . respond


This assumes it k

is defined as:

k up dn = up ->> k >>~ dn


Edit: Yes, it works if you add imports for lift

I'll go over why this works.

First, let me outline some definitions and laws pipes


-- Definition of `push` and `pull`
(1) pull = request >=> push
(2) push = respond >=> pull

-- Read this as: f * (g + h) = (f * g) + (f * h)
(3) f \>\ (g >=> h) = (f \>\ g) >=> (f \>\ h)

-- Read this as: (g + h) * f = (g * f) + (h * f)
(4) (g >=> h) />/ f = (g />/ f) >=> (h />/ f)

-- Right identity law for the request category
(5) f \>\ request = f

-- Left identity law for the respond category
(6) respond />/ f = f

-- Free theorems (equations you can prove from the types alone!)
(7) f \>\ respond = respond
(8) request />/ f = request


Now let's use these equations to expand up

and dn


up = (lift . request) \>\ pull
   = (lift . request) \>\ (request >=> push)  -- Equation (1)
   = (lift . request \>\ request) >=> (lift . request \>\ push)  -- Equation (3)
   = lift . request >=> (lift . request \>\ push)                -- Equation (5)
   = lift . request >=> (lift . request \>\ (respond >=> pull))  -- Equation (2)
   = lift . request >=> (lift . request \>\ respond) >=> (lift . request \>\ pull) -- Equation (3)
   = lift . request >=> respond >=> (lift . request \>\ pull)    -- Equation (7)
up = lift . request >=> respond >=> up

-- Same steps, except symmetric
dn = lift . respond >=> request >=> dn


In other words, it up

converts all request

outgoing from the k

upstream interface to lift . request

and dn

converts all respond

outgoing from the k

downstream interface to lift . respond

. Indeed, we can prove that:

(9)  (f \>\ pull) ->> p = f \>\ p
(10) p >>~ (push />/ f) = p />/ f


... and if we apply these equations to k

, we get:

  (lift . request \>\ pull) ->> k >>~ (push />/ lift . respond)
= lift . request \>\ k />/ lift . respond


This says the same thing, except more directly: we replace each request

with k

with lift . request

and replace each respond

with k

with lift . respond


As soon as we drop everything request

and respond

the base monad, we get this type:

lift . request \>\ k />/ lift . respond :: Effect' (Proxy a' a b' b m) r


Now we can remove the outer one Effect

with runEffect

. This leaves it "inside out" Proxy


This is also the trick I Pipes.Lift.distribute

use to replace the order of a monad Proxy

with a monad below it:



(Sorry, I missed a couple of parentheses on the sleepy head, so the first answer was to another question)

Producer' a m r -> Producer' b m r

is the definition of a Pipe a b m r

- it can consume a

and produce b


belowD ::Monad m => (Producer' a m () -> Producer' b m r) -> Pipe a b m ()
belowD g = sequence_ $ repeat $ do
             x <- await -- wait for `a` as a Pipe
             g $ yield x -- pass a trivial Producer to g, and forward output


One or more are expected b

for each a

. If g

it takes more than one a

to create one b

, it will give nothing.

But then, since Proxy a b c d m

there is Monad

, we can raise await


belowD :: Monad m => (forall m . Monad m => Producer a m () -> Producer b m r) ->
                     Pipe a b m r
belowD g = h . g $ sequence_ $ repeat ((lift $ await) >>= yield) where
  h :: Monad m => Producer b (Pipe a b m) r -> Pipe a b m r
  h p = do
      x <- next p
      case x of
        Left r -> return r
        Right (x,p) -> do
                         yield x
                         h p

h :: Monad m => Producer a m () -> Producer a m ()
h :: Monad m => Producer a m () -> Producer a m ()
h p = p >-> (sequence_ $ repeat $ await >>= yield >> await) -- skips even

main = runEffect $ (mapM_ yield [1..10]) >-> (for (belowD h) $ lift . print)

> 1
> 3
> 5
> 7
> 9




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