How to know if a streak bid is successful or not

I have php code for credit card payment via lane I am new to php classes so I don't know how to determine if payment is successful or not.

if(isset($_POST)) {
$payment = Stripe_Charge::create(array(
'amount'        => '50',

'currency'      => 'usd',

'card'          => array(
'number'=> '4242424242424242',
'exp_month' => '12',
'exp_year'=> '14',
'cvc'=> '123'),
'description'   => 'New payment'
)); }




Stripe_Charge Object
    [_apiKey:protected] => sk_test_123ABC
    [_values:protected] => Array
            [id] => ch_157h99GwRVG4EfR7dCxslaAs
            [object] => charge
            [created] => 1418105445
            [livemode] => 
            [paid] => 1
            [amount] => 50
            [currency] => usd
            [refunded] => 
            [captured] => 1
            [refunds] => Stripe_List Object



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2 answers

There is an answer in your answer. If a stripecharge object is returned, it means the payment was successful.



Sorry, but is there a way to focus on the error too? The above only confirms whether the payment was successful or not. It does not indicate the reason for the rejection.

    message: "Your card has insufficient funds."
    type: "card_error"
    code: "card_declined"
    charge: ch_12asdasweAAFdgooXDUd2tvKJgW


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