64-bit alternative to SunPkcs11 implementation

We use mid-tier software to create software applications that install via JDK 1.6.30 with 64-bit setup.

We recently needed to sign certain requests using a USB token. I googled around and found out that the implementation is provided by Sun on behalf of SunPKCS11. But the same is only available in the 32-bit JRE before Java 8.

I want to know if there are alternative non-commercial implementations available out there that I can use.

Please note that Java upgrade or architecture change is not an option as there is a high dependency on middleware.


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2 answers

Its not available for jdk 1.6 (only applicable for windows) but available for Java 8 64bit. For details see.

Refer to this link where it says:

The Sun PKCS # 11 provider is supported on Solaris (SPARC and x86) and Linux (x86) in both 32-bit and 64-bit Java processes. It is also supported on 32-bit Windows (x86), but not currently on 64-bit Windows platforms due to the lack of suitable PKCS # 11 libraries.




According to some research that IAIK wrapper for PKCS # 11 is also 64-bit compatible. You can use this for signing, but the IAIK does not provide a free JCE provider. This means that you can use it to make direct calls to the PKCS # 11 library below it, but you will lose all compatibility with the standard Java functionality built around JCE. Sun and IAIK PKCS # 11 vendors build on top of this free library.



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